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Excel Distance Calculator Using Bing Maps API

Excel Distance Calculator Using Bing Maps API

The Excel Distance Calculator with Bing API is an easy-to-use Excel Tool that allows the user to generate Driving Distances for a list of address combinations using Bing Maps API

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Excel Distance Calculator Using Bing Maps API

A quick Demo Video of how the Bing Maps Excel Driving Distance Calculator works!

The Excel Driving Distance Calculator brings the Bing Maps API results directly into your Excel Spreadsheet. It allows you to calculate driving distances for large datasets and bring those results directly into your Excel Spreadsheet. It is the easiest to use tool of its kind and will save you hours of you looking up driving distance and driving time in Bing Maps!

Why the "Bing Maps Excel Driving Distance Calculator" is the tool you need to calculate 1,000's of distances at once?

My goal here at is to provide the easiest-to-use and most affordable tool of its kind. 

Nothing to Install

As the Excel Driving Distance Calculator - with Bing API is built in Excel, there is nothing to install. Just open the file, paste your data and the tool will do the rest!....

One Click Gets you Results

Once you paste the data, you click "Calculate" and the Bing Maps Driving Distance Results will show on your page. It's that easy.

No Ongoing Charges

Once you purchase my Excel Driving Distance Calculator - with Bing own it for life. No monthly or annual charges. Consider the Multi-User license for Unlimited Users. 

World Class Support

If you have any questions...just call me @ 801-243-8350 or Chat with me via the Chat Window. If needed, I will Zoom with you to make sure the product is setup correctly and you get all the help you real time. 

100% Money-Back Guarantee

If for any feel the product will not meet your needs....Just send me a note, and I will refund your purchase...NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

Oh just So Easy to Use!!

It will be the easiest to use tool of its kind. Just "Paste" your "To" and "From" into the "Calculate" and the Driving Distances and Driving time will appear as if Magic. No Coding Necessary!!!!!

How Does It Work?

The Bing Maps Excel Driving Distance Calculator is the easiest-to-use tool of its kind. You can get your Driving Distances and Driving Time directly in Excel in Three Easy steps. See below:

Step 1

Enter or Paste the data in the Bing Maps Calculator Excel tool.

Step 2

Click the “Calculate” button.

Step 3

 That’s it! - Watch Bing Maps Distance Calculator generate the Driving Distance and Driving Time Minutes in real time.

What is the Purpose of the Tool?

It allows the user to calculate driving time and driving distances as Shown in Bing Maps directly into Microsot Excel. Some of the benefits are:

  • NO installation necessary. All you need is Excel in your desktop.
  • NO programming know-how required. A spreadsheet with a "Calculate" button in it and you are on your way to automating the driving distance and driving time calculations!
  • NO monthly charges. Just a one time fee!
  • REAL In Person Help if you need it. If you have any questions, email, call or just talk to me on the chat on this site!

Who is the Bing Maps Excel Driving Distance Calculator for?

The BIng Maps Excel Driving Distance Calculator is an Excel based Driving Distance calculator that allows the user to generate Driving distances of a large list of addresses, zip codes, cities or geocodes. It allows the user to save tremendous amount of time by automating the generation of the driving distances for a large list of addresses, even tens of thousands of address combinations!

What do our Customers Say about us!

Robert Phillips - From Ohio

No Issues with the software. 

Vinnie, thanks for making such a great product.


Travis Robey - This product is amazing

The Product is Amazing!

Steve Whenman - Software Worked Perfectly

The Software installed perfectly, really pleased with the results

Mandy Miller - I absolutely love the tool!

This tool was so helpful and worked like a charm.

Hanna Ferguson - Software Works Perfectly

This excel sheet is going to make a massive difference to how much time we spend on mileage calculations! 

Thank you so much for creating this.

Milan Stamenkovic - It's a Great Program

Milan Stamenkovic - It's a Great Program

Matthew Smith - It's amazing, love it!

It's amazing, love it!!! Saved me weeks of analysis!

Robert Phillips - From Ohio
Travis Robey - This product is amazing
Steve Whenman - Software Worked Perfectly
Mandy Miller - I absolutely love the tool!
Hanna Ferguson - Software Works Perfectly
Milan Stamenkovic - It's a Great Program
Matthew Smith - It's amazing, love it!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Does the "Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator" work on Mac, or just PC?

    While the Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator works on some version of Mac Computers, I currently do not offer support for Macs. As Macs use different VBA libraries, that can cause some conflicts with some of the functions in this tool.

  • Is this a one time fee, or ongoing?

    You will only pay once for this software. This will provide upgrades and live support via zoom if needed for one year to ensure that the Bing Maps Distance Calculator is setup and running correctly. However the software should serve your needs for years to come.

  • Do I need a Bing Maps API Key? What is a Bing Maps API key?

    The Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator uses the Bing Maps Maps Platform to give you extremely accurate (to the 1/100th of a mile). As such you will need to setup a Microsoft Developer Account. It takes 5 minutes to setup and it is free of charge. You can view the instructions on how to setup the google maps api key in this page. I have also created a video where it shows step by step how to setup the api key by clicking in this youtube video.

  • Is the Bing Maps Maps API key free? Do I have to pay for my calculations?

    The Bing Maps API key is free to get for the non-Enterprise User. Bing (Microsoft) allows for up to 50,000 Calculations free of charge daily, which should be more than enough for any casual user. More information on Microsoft Pricing can be found in this link.

  • Can I use Addresses or Zip codes? What format should my input data be?

    The Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator is extremely forgiving when it comes to what data you can use/enter. You may enter a combination of full addresses, zip codes, City/State or even Geocodes (Long/latitude). So “84122”, “ 123 Main, Park City, UT, 84101” or “Park City, UT” are all acceptable addresses. You can also mix and match your different address types. Obviously the more complete the address, the better ( more accurate) results you will receive.

  • Can the Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator be used for non-US addresses? Can I enter, say Canadian or British Zip Codes?

    Absolutely. The Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator works with addresses from all over the world. As it calculates driving distances please note that there needs to be a driving path between the two addresses. So a calculation between “New York City, NY” and “Paris, France” will not return a value as there is no driving path between those two cities as they are separated by ocean.

  • What is the maximum number of calculations I can perform at any one single run?

    The Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator is meant to help you calculate driving distances and driving times between large sets of addresses. However keep in mind that the calculation is at the rate of about 3-5 calculations per second. So a 200,000 calculations data set would not be practical as it would take quite a long time. In addition, be aware of the costs associated with running such a large number of address sets. Also for Non-Enterprise Users Microsoft Bing limits use to up to 50,000 calculations daily free of charge.

  • Would I get my calculations in Miles or KMS? Can I choose between the two?

    The Bing Maps Excel Distance Calculator includes a "Settings" tab which allows you to choose your results between KMS or Miles.

  • How is the driving time calculated? Would I always get the same result?

    The Bing Maps Excel Driving Distance Calculator generates real-time Driving Time from Bing Maps. As such the driving time between the same addresses might vary slightly depending on traffic conditions.

You will need a Bing Maps API Microsoft Account to use this tool!

This tool uses the Bing Maps API to generate results. This allows for accurate driving distance and time results and fast data. I have included some instructions on how to get a Bing maps API and what services to enable. Click here for more information on how to setup the Bing Maps API Key!

A few more things regarding the Bing Maps API Key.

You don't need to be a developer to setup a Bing Maps api key. It takes about 5 minutes, and it is a simple as setting up an account with Google.

  • The Bing Maps API Key is free to setup. It doesn't cost anything. All you need is a Microsoft Free Account!
  • You will get up to 50,000 calculations free of charge Daily. (Microsoft/Bing allows 50K free calculations daily for Non-Enterprise Accounts.
  • For the vast majority of my clients that use this tool, 50,000 daily calculations are more than enough.
  • You DO NOT need to setup a billing account for a developer user!